Mileage Charges
Mileage charges are on a cost only per mile basis for which we are grateful to the AA for providing a scale of rates. The AA have a comprehensive breakdown of costs for different values and running costs of vehicles.
Mileage from our base is calculated from GU30 to the post code of your event using the AA route planner.
In order to attend your event we have a small fleet of refrigerated vehicles. Most outside catering jobs that are conducted by us require a chef and assistant, unless you are booking a DIY hog or lamb roast.
Our vehicles are specialist refrigerated vehicles and achieve less than half the miles per gallon than a domestic car. The refrigeration units require regular maintenance in order to comply with Health & Safety or Food Hygiene requirements.
Mileage charges quoted on the AA website do not include the cost of driver and or his assistant's wages which we will often absorb within the cost of you catering quote, subject to distance.
We have therefore set the mileage rate at 35p
per mile travelled after the first 20 miles.